So I have caught you up to this past Sunday, August 7th. Monday morning I went to the Multiplaza mall in downtown Panama city to get my laptop! (due to an unfortunate accident, I was without it for my entire time here, luckily, there is a MacStore in the mall and they were able to fix it!) Next on the agenda was the NEO symposium at Tupper. This is what this program is all about, straight from the horse's mouth:
"The STRI-McGill Neotropical Environment Graduate Program, in collaboration with a STRI-based program and McGill University (based in Montreal, Canada), has created the Neotropical Environment Option (NEO), a research option for PhD students interested in the environmental issues relevant to the Neotropics." A mouthful, huh? But the symposium was an all day event, celebrating the 10th anniversary of this program. Each of the current students gave a talk about the research they have been doing. Let's see if I can remember some of the topics...there was sharks, and beetles, and cattle...and they were also streaming live on the internet! How cool is that?! It was all pretty interesting....and then there was food....a barbeque. But, alas, I did not get any pictures of the day!

But the evening....oh my....I had a taste for some ice cream, and there is this this most excellent French ice cream shop in Casco Viejo: Granclement. We took a leisurely stroll through Avenida Central to get there. Oh myyyyy....I was in heaven!!! This time, I was smart. This was my third trip here, and the previous times I got the same thing: cookie dough. But this time, I got the pan d'epices and vanilla madagascar....and a pint of cookie dough to go! Yup, I'm greedy!! The girls came along...isla frutas for one and rocky road and dulce de leche for the other....yummmm!

Tuesday was a lab day in Naos....not much going on though. Here is a picture of the building I went to everyday and of the busito driver..the one in the blue shirt and remember the busito, right? Well here's another picture of that, too.
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