The work day began as usual: the 7:15 am ride on the busito to la Isla Naos to the lab, a full day of comparing pictures of snail eggs for Abby with lunch at Mi Ranchito (chuletas y arroz blanco, of course! My fav!), ending with the 4pm busito back to La Jaula. But then...the evening begins!
Me, Abby, Kaza, Sarah, and our new friends from the lab, Victor and Mark, walked through town to Casco Viejo. It was a very interesting walk...many stores, fruit stands, and natives selling their handmade crafts. The smells were both enticing and repulsive. I saw sneakers and sandals that I want to go back and get (of course). Victor told us to keep our phones and cameras away, so I have no pictures of these sights.
We made it to Casco, and meandered through the streets, winding up at the best ice cream shop in the world...and y'all all know how I feel about ice cream. I was so caught up in the sheer bliss of the flavors that I forgot to take a picture....don't worry, I WILL be visiting this shop again, and will take plenty of pics!
But our final destination....wowwww...I'm not really sure my words can do this justice. Just sit back and soak it in.....
Kaza and Abby....2 of the interns I work with and my neighbors.
Is this not awesome?!?!? That sky seems to go on forever.....
This evening ended up with everyone at our apartment; our original group and we called Andrew, Kathryn, and Matt. Dinner was a hands-on affair: pasta (regular and gluten-free), tomato sauce with so many vegetables that I had to just close my eyes, chew, and swallow, and roast chicken. Panama beer (the brand name is actually Panama), white sangria, Abuelo rum....and we had a party...on a Monday night! It was great...we ate, drank, played games, talked, and just had a good time.
This is what it's all about, folks!
Until next time....hasta luego!